Chronological Age Calculator:
Find it in 1 Easy Step

Please use our chronological age calculator as much as you like. It is very user friendly. Simply put in the birth date of the person you are testing and Presto!...

...their age magically appears below.

*Note: For mobile users, tilt your device horizontally for best results (or download our free app). You might also consider bookmarking this page.

Month Day Year
Birth Date:
Test Date:
 Age:  0 years, 0 months, 0 days

You can also get it free on the Apple or Android App Stores!

If you like this free app, you would also probably benefit from the best free speech therapy app in the world...Word Vault!

Did you test someone a few days ago? 

You can also put in the test date manually. Use the Today's Date button to change the test date to the current date. 

Whether you're a Speech Language Pathologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, School Teacher, or anyone else who has to determine chronological age, this app is a huge time saver.

Now don't get me wrong, the birth date calculator on this page is perfect... 

...if you're always sitting at a computer.

But for all you traveling Therapists and Specialists out there, don't worry...we've got your back. We've kept the stationary and mobile professionals in mind on this one.

As a Speech Language Pathologist in the field I know that making this calculation is fairly easy, but it does take a few precious seconds to compute and then re-compute again just to make sure you got it right.

SEE ALSO: The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

Have you ever mis-calculated? I have...and by that time, I have usually scored the test, written the report, and made recommendations.

That one little mistake ended up costing me a bunch of time...

...which I (we) don't have.

It bugged me so bad, I thought it would be a great addition to our site.


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Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

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