First Steps (Early Intervention) SLP

by Carol
(Greenwood, IN)

I have a book that is one of my favorite apps, Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly.

With the age group I work with it allows me to work on naming face/head parts, colors and verbs as well as teaching them they can make monsters (under the bed, in the closet etc.) go away.

It is funny and interactive and rarely have I had a child scared of it because of the way the monster is drawn.

As you "turn" each page the next body part will appear or disappear depending on where you are in the story. The "monster" is also interactive. The eyes blink when touched, the hair waves, the ears wiggle the teeth bite etc. so it is a lot of fun.

I don't remember if it was free or a minimal fee. I do not pay more than $5 for an app except for my artic app.

The one the kids love is the Mr. Potato Head Create and Play app. You get to dress Mr. Potato with parts given and then put him/her in different backgrounds and have different things that you can have Mr. Potato Head do.

For $3.99 you are given access to every costume/character and background that they develop and put out forever so that is worth it.

Currently there are 15 of these and this morning I noticed a couple more listed as "coming soon".

They always come in pairs so you can make a girl or boy and include regular potato head, a super hero, king/queen, wizard/witch even pirates and a knight/princess set.

It is great for reinforcement or descriptions or verbs with the things he does.

- Carol Farrington

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