(50) 3 Step Directions for Speech Therapy Practice

(50) 3 Step Directions for Speech Therapy Practice

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3 Step Directions

  • Wave at me, jump up and down two times, and say “Look over there!”

  • Walk to the door, say hello, and then cross your fingers.

  • Stand up, turn around in a circle, and snap your fingers 4 times.

  • Wiggle your fingers, name something blue, and wink at someone in the room.

  • Put your hand over your mouth, wave with the other hand, and blink your eyes.

  • Point to a corner in the room, count to 8, and stand up.

  • Name a shape, pretend to wash your hands, and shake your head "No."

  • Tap your foot on the floor, count the chairs in the room, and put your elbows on the table.

  • Sit on your hands, sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and, put both hands in the air.

  • Name 2 of your friends, pretend to take off your watch, and pretend to sneeze.

  • Say your ABC's, shake your head yes, and put your hands over your eyes.

  • Name a color, pretend to put a shirt on, and name something that is red.

  • Pretend to tie your shoe, count to 10, and clap your hands 3 times.

  • Touch your toes, pat yourself on the head, and pretend to comb your hair.

  • Say a number, put your hand on your shoulder, and count the chairs in the room.

  • Close your eyes, pretend to drive a car, and say "Watermelon."

  • Touch your shoulders 3 times, touch your nose, and clap 2 times.

  • Take a deep breath, point to a light in the room, and name a zoo animal.

  • Touch your knees 2 times, give someone a high 5, touch your nose.

  • Put your hands on your hips, give a thumbs up, and point to the door.

  • Stand up, take a bow, and shake your head "yes."

  • Slap the table, stand up, and then hop 4 times.

  • Quack like a duck, give someone a high five, and snap your fingers 2 times.

  • Tell me your favorite color, count the people in the room, and clap your hands twice.

  • Say your favorite food, pretend to eat a piece of candy, and blink your eyes 3 times.

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  • Give 2 thumbs up, count the people in the room, and close your eyes.

  • Scratch your head, tap your finger on the table, and sit down on the floor.

  • Pretend to talk on the phone, tap your finger on the table, and say "Eat your vegetables."

  • Put your hand over your mouth, say "Donuts are sweet", and touch your knee.

  • Scratch your head, look at the person next to you, and "say this is sticky".

  • Wave "goodbye", wink at someone, and bark like a dog.

  • Stand up, jump up and down two times, and snap your fingers 3 times.

  • Tap your foot 4 times, cover your ears with your hands, and stand up.

  • Snap your fingers 2 times, look at the person next to you, and say "You're my best friend."

  • Spell your name, touch your elbows together, and touch your toes.

  • Jump up and down 5 times, put your hands on your head, and laugh out loud.

  • Clap your hands 4 times, snap your fingers 2 times, and pretend to open a present.

  • Hop to the door, plug your nose, and say "It smells funny in here."

  • Say your age, name 3 animals, and shake your head "no."

  • Say your name, put your hands over your ears, and touch your toes 3 times.

  • Stand up, snap you fingers two times, and walk on your tip toes.

  • Say "Hello", pretend to take off your hat, and close your eyes.

  • Count to 7, pretend to wash your face, and stand up.

  • Say "Good Luck", name a shape, and then cross your fingers.

  • Stand up, pretend to put on your glasses, and then turn around 2 times.

  • Hold up 3 fingers, pat yourself on the back, and say "Speech is cool."

  • Tap your foot 2 times, close your eyes, and moo like a cow.

  • Say a shape, say a number, and then say word that ends in "y."

  • Meow like a cat, clap your hands twice, and smile.

  • Look up at the ceiling, give a "thumbs up" sign, and pretend to cry.

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