Word Vault Pro is the ultimate tool for SLPs, parents, teachers, and professionals to teach articulation, language, and social skills.

Developed by two ASHA certified Speech Language-Pathologists Word Vault is the solution to lugging around armfuls of materials, managing clients, and keeping data organized and secure.

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Word Vault has 3 convenient viewing options.

For rapid drill, content can be used in list view.

For more focused practice content can be used in single stimuli view to see one word, phrase, sentence, or concept at a time.

Word Vault saves time by removing the spontaneous search for words with a specific sound or context by providing 87 articulation word lists organized by sound, syllable, and position (initial, medial, final, blend).

The app contains content for every sound, every place, and at every level of difficulty (non-sense syllables, 1-6 syllable words, phrases, sentences, and reading passages) to ensure diverse mastery of speech sound production.

It provides you with high definition real world picture flashcards that help teach concrete principles.

It reduces wasted therapy time with its simply organized tab and swipeable tab content system.

Time Saving Features

When using Word Vault Pro, images and audio are downloaded to your device via Wi-fi for quick access.

The Articulation Vault has over 1800 high definition real world picture flashcards.

The interactive activities associated with Pro features are found in the Language, Phonology, and Social Vaults.

  • the Language Vault (includes all features mentioned in the infographic above and has pictures or interactive activities for Adjectives, Adverbs, Analogies, Antonyms, Compare/contrast, Homonyms, Homophones, Irregular past tense, Irregular plural -s, Past tense -ed, Plural -s, Prepositions, Present Progressive, Present tense -s, Pronouns, Questions: Where, Who, What, When, Why, How, Sequencing, Story starters, Synonyms)

  • the Phonology Vault (includes all features mentioned in the infographic above and has pictures for 2, 3, 4, and 5 syllable words)

  • the Social Vault (includes all features mentioned in the infographic above and has  pictures or interactive activities for Conversation starters, Emotions, Idioms, Jokes, Problem solving scenarios, and Proverbs)

Interactive Activities...

1 Picture Tap

  • shows a question and let's the client guess the answer, then the screen can be tapped revealing the picture and answer)

  • found in Language Vault (Object Function - action, Questions, Idioms, Jokes, Proverbs)

2 Picture

  • shows 2 pictures side by side for compare/contrast purposes

  • found in Language Vault (Compare/Contrast)

2 Picture Tap

  • shows 2 pictures side by side but 1 picture is covered up. After the client attempts an answer, depending on the targeted goal, they can then tap the picture to reveal the answer.

  • found in Language Vault (Antonyms, Homophones, Irregular plural -s, Plural -s)

2-3 Picture 

  • shows 2-3 pictures side by side to show how the same word can mean different things

  • found in Language Vault (Homonyms)

Fill in the Blank

  • shows an analogy and covers up the answer, after the client attempts an answer, they can tap the covered word to reveal the answer.

  • found in Language Vault (Analogies) 

Add New Content

Add your own custom words, phrases, pictures, and record your own audio for any list.

Create and organize custom lists in My Vault to fit the individual needs of those you work with.

Make Custom Lists

Easily create and edit client profiles and groups to maximize therapy time and practice.

If you run out of time the Vault, Place, and Level of Difficulty is saved for each profile you work with, and returns you exactly to the place you left off, the next time you work with them.

Track Data

Word Vault Pro’s smart and easy to use client management and data tracking system allows you to work with up to 10 clients at a time and record data for each individual while working in different content areas of the app.

Email progress data to any recipient of your choice.

Hear & Record Audio

Word Vault Pro has audio for every word, phrase, sentence, story, question, and content category (over 20,000 recordings!)

Need to send homework or share a list of words or concepts with someone?

1-touch email makes it a snap. Simply tap the email button to share a list.

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